
By Suckered - 04/12/2015 21:47 - United States - Hialeah

Today, I found out my son was never accepted into the local university two years ago. He actually went out and got a job, and only lied about it so he could keep living in my house rent-free. The conniving bastard makes more than I do at my minimum-wage job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 718
You deserved it 4 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

How did he manage to pull that off for two years? Are you really that oblivious to what's going on in your son's life?

Rosebudx 32

Give him a rental contract and tell him he can sign it or leave. It was unfair of him to do that. Also, did you not catch on that he wasn't in school when at least four sessions-worth of finals passed without him panicking?


If he lied with the intention of living rent free, I'd say that's quite a calculated thing of him to do and you should kick him out. If however he lied because he didn't want you to be disappointed that he didn't go to college then I guess the rent thing was just a bonus.

hey do u. have a snapchat you are beautiful. :)

That's really shallow of him. Maybe teach him a lesson of the value of money by forcing him to find his own home? My condolences OP.

What makes you think op's son doesnt know the value of money?? Atleast for two years he was working and not using his parents money except for free rent... Pushing you out of the house doesnt teach you responsibility.

leogachi 15

@21 It might. Also, why are you defending a guy who is using his dad?

Im not defending him. As a parent myself i wonder Why does the son need to scheme is way to live at their relationship that strained?? Or does most people push their kid out to the world after spoiling them half their life?

ChopSuey444 20

It's wrong to say he didn't use OP's money for anything but rent. Thats probably not the case. When I went to college, my grant paid for tuition and books, supplies, maybe lunch. But it wasn't enough to take on a monthly payment (especially because you only get one a semester). So OP more than likely pays rent, utilities, groceries, car payments, phone payments (OP obviously has a cell phone), and all that. I'm sure it's much more than just rent that OP pays for their son. In which case (which I see as the most likely case), I see it completely as freeloading. Of course we don't know everything. I just see that being the most probable scenario.

I dint think they were kicking him out, they just want them to pay rent. He makes more money than his parents and has less bulls to pay, so he should be helping out. Asking for rent isn't bad parenting, but not helping your parents is being a bad son.

Mathalamus 24

He doesn't have to pay rent. He learned the value of money easily enough. But lying is still bad. I don't pay rent where I am, but I pay for the food. Better than rent.

leogachi 15

@28 It's not for you to decide whether he has to pay rent or not, it's up to Op to decide that. Also, you have no idea if Op's kid knows the value of money.

ChopSuey444 20

Making money is not the same as knowing it's value. We don't know if he has ANY payments he makes himself. OP could be paying his son's car payment, phone payment, all his food, paying for his water and electric uses, and THAT'S freeloading. Especially when you make more money than the person providing for you.

I'm curious as to why OP is old enough to have a son in college, yet still earns minimum wage. I mean, even without an education, you'd think by now he'd have been in the work force long enough to be earning a higher wage.

There was a cafeteria worker at the school I used to teach in who once had a steady administrative job at a large company in a big city. Then she became a victim of the downsizing frenzy that took hold during the recession. She's my parents' age and had to move back in with her own mother and take the job because that was her only option, and I know she's not the only one. Maybe OP had something similar happen to him.

The positive thing is at least he spent his time on getting a job instead of doing drugs outside:)

FML because this must really suck for you YDI for thinking he would pay the rent.

leogachi 15

@41 Op would be charging him rent, not just throwing the rent bill at him and saying, "This is your responsibility now."