
By afraidtosleep - 13/10/2012 06:35 - United States - Houston

Today, as I was rushing to get out for work, I opened my door just in time to witness a large snake slither into my home. I had no choice but to lock it inside and go to work. I've now spent several hours searching for it with my friends, and we can't find it. I'm scared to go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 976
You deserved it 6 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Check your bedroom thoroughly, if he's not there shut the door put a blanket across the bottom, cover the vents with something that won't catch fire. You are welcome. (;

To do list: - Invent time machine - Go back in time - Find Steve Irwin - Bring him to the future - Deal with snake - Warn Steve about stingrays.


sbarua219 17

OMG I had one fall from my roof almost on top of me

FYI if you ever have to grab try to grab the snake right behind the head so you can hold it and it can't bite you, BUT ONLY AS A LAST RESORT