
By snakeboy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, for the first time in about 3 years, I decided to clean my car. It was going really well until I looked down at what I was about to pick up. On the back seat floor lay a dead snake, which at one point, for God knows how long, was living in my car while I unknowingly drove it around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 650
You deserved it 48 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You would think it would smell at some point. Or at least attract enough insects to annoy you. I don't know how some people manage to live in filth sometimes. I mean three YEARS?


It probably wasn't in there for long. It would have needed things to eat (which could be why it died) at it wouldn't have lasted too long that way or someone put it in there as a prank.

most snakes can go without food for months...or they couldve been little nasty mice running around his disgusting car o.o

moonlight_daze 8

YDI for unknowingly driving your car. Seriously, like #87 said, that's hazardous!

Kay_Ell_Dee 0

How the hell did the snake even get in?? Eww. I would have freaked. I can't stand reptiles.

Snakes get into cars all the time here. Generally it's because they either get under the bonnet (I guess U.S. folk'd call it the hood) because the engine was warm or are flicked up by car tyres if they are run over. They then usually get into the interior of the car through the ventilation system. The ones who are flicked up are usually quite angry when they get inside and the car empties quite rapidly (yes, it HAS happened to me in a friend's car). LMAO I love living in Australia. This is normal for many of us =D To quote the Scared Weird Little Guys: "Come to Australia - You might accidentally get killed" lol

ryansims 0

because you never clean your car you dirty ******

Whoa, a snake? What's next on the list of odd things found in your car, Madeleine McCann?

#99 - I laughed so loud at that. I'm probably going to hell.

Maybe someone put a dead snake in your car as a prank?