Sorry Mr Whiskers

By Brody89 - 09/04/2014 18:40 - United States - Vancouver

Today, my overly-attached 14-year-old cat wanted attention while I was in a heated Skype argument with my girlfriend. Worked up from the fight, I raised my voice and said, "Not now, go away!" He ran to his little bed, had a heart attack and died. I was a complete dick to my cat in his last moments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 039
You deserved it 38 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hazardmuffin 21

This is probably the most awful FML I've ever read. I'm sorry about your cat, OP :(


I love the people who act like you planned to kill the cat by yelling. Like they've never gotten pissed off and taken it out on an innocent. Your cat knows you loved him and that's what matters.

marc70 3

Don't feel bad, it can happen to the best of us. R.i.P kitty

1jordan1 11

I'm so sorry OP. that's very sad. I can't imagine how you feel. I'm more of a dog person, and I have one about the same age as that cat. I would feel terrible if the same thing happened to me. I am very attached to my pets. I hope you realize that you shouldn't feel bad, it was an honest mistake, and I hope your cat understands you didn't mean it (I realize how that sounds, but I'm sure you get what I mean).

Don't feel bad, you gave him fourteen good years! You must have done for him to be so attached to you!

cosmicriver 17

I am so sorry. I just recently lost a wonderful cat myself. She was a one person, special needs cat with severe anxiety and panic attacks. The vet finally talked me into putting her on kitty Xanax. She was in heat, and tore a hole in the screen to get to the male cat that had been hangin around our door. She wasn't scared or nervous due to the Xanax that I said no to the vet to for over a year. To top it all off, the last thing I did when I last was her was get on to her for tearing the blinds off the wall. I know how it feels. I am so sorry for your loss. Just know that your cat knew and still knows that you love them.

A similar thing happened with my dog a few years ago. He wanted attention while I was trying to do homework and I shooed him away. Found him dead later ;(

FMLL2016 16