Sorry Mr Whiskers

By Brody89 - 09/04/2014 18:40 - United States - Vancouver

Today, my overly-attached 14-year-old cat wanted attention while I was in a heated Skype argument with my girlfriend. Worked up from the fight, I raised my voice and said, "Not now, go away!" He ran to his little bed, had a heart attack and died. I was a complete dick to my cat in his last moments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 039
You deserved it 38 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hazardmuffin 21

This is probably the most awful FML I've ever read. I'm sorry about your cat, OP :(


sentrette 0

YDI. your poor cat was just trying to get a little attention and you screamed at him. this makes me so sad.

I actually cried when I read this. My cat just died today. But I probably would've cried regardless.

thegreycat_fml 12

Sorry you lost your furbaby, and I think we can all agree to keep this scenario in mind next time a pet does something naughty. Life being what it is, the next time we scold them could be the last, and having the last words a companion for a decade and some odd years hear be an undeserved shout is something that would be difficult or even impossible to get over. Especially since in many cases, like this one, it could be such a scolding over trying to cheer us up.

XPredatorX 5

This is not your fault, there is no way you could have known that would happen. If you are an atheist, just think about the 14 years of good life you gave to your cat, and know that the dead don't have feelings about this sort of stuff. If you believe in the afterlife, in it I would think that your cat would gain understanding about complex situations like this and would know that you were just worked up and didn't really mean it, and he would remember all of the good times and will be faithfully waiting to greet you in the afterlife.

Oh my god when I was reading he end bit I felt really weird and couldn't breathe properly that's sooooo sad. We all know you loved your cat and we all go mental some times. You made a mistake.

skyeyez9 24

This is the saddest and worst fml I have ever read. Poor OP must feel awful. Rip kitty

its a fricking cat, all cats deserve death.

And you deserve it even more. :) Based on your nick, a standard "dark sounding word + 666" username, you sound like a 12 year old trying to compensate for his knob, or in this case, button.