Sounds like quite the catch

By Brooke - 14/08/2015 16:50 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a cute guy approached me at a nightclub. I was really excited, until he drunkenly slurred, "Babe, I'd suck the farts from your asshole!" and then threw up everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 800
You deserved it 2 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hope you got his number. He sounds like a keeper! :-/

iPixelCheese 19

Can't help but laugh at this. Someday you will probably look back and laugh too. As for now, FYL


MrZsDad 19

I hope you at least got a drink out of it.

Best pick up line ever. But FYL poor you ;-;

that's the weirdest pickup line ever drunk or not

dakotaabriannee 14

Maybe he threw up because he shucked the fats from someone's asshole.