Spit take

By gatorhead - 09/09/2010 18:05 - United States

Today, while eating lunch, one of my friends told a joke that made everyone at the table laugh. Apparently, the guy standing behind me overheard and was laughing too. So much in fact that he spewed the red Gatorade he was drinking all over the back of my white shirt and hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 473
You deserved it 2 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It must suck that you have white hair at your young age.


gross but uhh, you can was your hair and buy a new shirt or bleach it.

OP, you should've turned around and socked that douchebag in the nuts

is ur hair ok?!? that happened to me once with coke and my hair had been colored blonde that day and a chunck of it turned PURPLE!! cheap hair dye...

skittlebabe 0

lol I know dis is random but zakkyzebra ur hot;)

at least you have friends. it's better sitting then sitting alone.