
By FullCircleProblem - 27/01/2016 06:04 - United States - Round Rock

Today, my girlfriend came home and spontaneously wanted to have sex for the first time in about a year. I'm a recovering alcoholic, and had just came from an AA meeting. She reeked of alcohol, I couldn't get hard because of it, and she got pissed at me. She says she won't be spontaneous again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 810
You deserved it 2 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she knows you are a recovering alcoholic and still comes to your house drunk then you need too find someone better then that.

If she knows youre recovering, then shes a bad girlfriend. She shouldnt have been pissed because of that.


rinnybell210 16

Y'all needs to break up. If she can't understand your issue with the alcohol, AND she hasn't initiated sex in a year, then what are you doing with her?


dump her dude, you don't need that negativity in your life.

Dump that ******* bitch and get a real girlfriend. One that respects and understands you are trying to make a huge change in yourself.