By Anonymous - 21/01/2011 09:25 - Monaco
Same thing different taste
By SphereMaiden - 22/02/2018 01:30
By Skyhopee - 24/12/2012 19:42 - United States
Who are these people ?
By ShelbyIsAwesome - 04/03/2021 17:01
By Shelby - 14/08/2019 02:00
By worthless - 10/11/2010 02:11 - United States
Gross dude
By summer - 26/03/2021 21:30
By unknown - 24/01/2010 15:27 - France
By Anonymous - 02/08/2015 09:16 - Canada
Stuck in the middle with you
By Carrie - 28/03/2020 02:00
By Anonymous - 23/01/2010 16:14 - Canada
Top comments
High Maintenance FTW
Balls to you!
Well they did do some research and they found out the smell of sweat works as an aphrodisiac for women.
FTW = Fornicate The Weirdos
FTW=**** the what?
Heck yeah. Op shouldn't even be upset!
good riddance!! he sounds like a nasty ass.
smells not sounds.
I smilled when I saw this ^^ Its not Monoco, its Monaco and it is in Spain not in France. Plus, french do take showers everyday :Pp LMAO
Exactly! Why was she dating a hobo anyway?
Yah she deserves it for being a drama queen, I'm 99% certain that wasn't the whole reason for the break up even IF (and it is a big if) the acquisitions are true.
Who showers these days anyway? Homeless people are setting a pretty awesome trend in my opinion.
haha, agree!
Homeless people get frequent free showers.
Many homeless shower more often than OP's boyfriend.
That's incredibly disgusting. Don't tell me you knew nothing of his poor hygiene behavior before getting with him.
While I agree that such a lack of personal hygiene is revolting, sometimes people's bathing habits deteriorate because of depression/lifestyle changes/laziness/other factors. For instance, this one guy I knew used to bathe regularly, but after he graduated high school, he pretty much didn't shower, brush his teeth, or even change clothes more than he absolutely had to.
But then my question is, why does he not care about his appearance and/or overall well being? Was he depressed? I've known people to stop caring about themselves while depressed, so it is a viable excuse. But if laziness is the only reason he stopped brushing his teeth and changing his clothes etc...
That is absolutely disgusting. I shower twice a day, ritualistically.
High five for good hygiene!!!
You must be pretty effing *serious hygiene* if you shower twice a day... I only shower once... a week. (; i kid, of course. *___* changed "weird" to serious hygiene, to be nicer. (;
"ritualistically" - Do you sacrifice a goat beforehand?
9 grunge is gone it has no guitar solos after kurt kobain it was done
One to fap, the second to fap furiously, I'm sure.
grunge is gone because you shower twice a day. ; )
so why is this an FML? be happy you got rid of the dirtbag, if he cant do a simple thing such as shower brush his teeth and use deoderant hes not worth it, you shouldnt ask him to do that, it should come naturually everyday... OP you should be glad your rid of him, im sure you can do better

He did you a favour. Get over it and go find someone who showers at least once a week.
Who showers these days anyway? Homeless people are setting a pretty awesome trend in my opinion.