Spray it

By GoldenShower - 25/06/2009 10:17 - United States

Today, I was awoken by my son squirting liquid on me from a bottle. We have a high deer population in our area, so I spray urine contained in black bottle on my plants to help deter the deer from eating them. I also water my flowers with water from a blue bottle. My son used the black one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 971
You deserved it 8 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

good news is the deer won't be taking any bites out of you.

coldplaylive2003 0


thelarkscaw 0

seems like urine would just kill plants anyway...

burttrub0 0

It is harmful to plannts, but the pros outweigh the cons. You know there are sites out there that sell Mountain Lion urine? Apparently it works great on mice

BigSky 5

Best keep that bottle put away somewhere safe.

uh that's the kinda thing you keep far far out of juniors reach. kids always get into things they aren't supposed to... you need to be more proactive.

Seti_fml 0

just thinking out loud here... but doesn't urine generally have a pretty high amount of salt in it? and therefore wouldn't that kind of ruin the OP's garden in the long run? Just something to think about.

AnnieLennox1954 0

I'd beat that little shit. Reasons like these are why I'm on the pill.

You would beat a child who is too young to know any better? Yeah, good thing you're on the pill because you obviously have no parenting skills.

yashr123 0

Bumlove89. = win not really OUCH more like TRUE the person on the pill obviously doesnt understand the way children are and that hitting them just makes them scared of you and ends up screwing them emotionally and socially

paks7 0

why is it even necessary to keep water in a bottle for your plants...? it's just water, you can put it in a cup or something when its time to water. then there would only be one bottle, and no confusion

Yummy!!! Well u should atleast keep those bottles higher up YDI

Annielenox1954 you r an utter and complete asshole! Kids are the future! Beforr u kno it ull b old and gray and all u friends and husband will b dead and guess wat??? No kids or grandchildren! Ull die alone but ull deserve it

yashr123 0

and unless they have another family member her bloodline will cease to exist which may just be good for everone she might birth a Hitler or a kid who starts Anarchy