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By shelly - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was locked out of my house and had to pee. I waited an hour for my boyfriend to come home. When I saw him pull into the driveway, I peed myself in excitement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 969
You deserved it 7 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For men, the world is our porta-potty. For women, well you're pretty much screwed.

chillyCholo 5

Was he as excited as you were?


MaydayParadexx 18

I know that when someone says "must've" it sounds like must of, but the contraction 've is for have. Where do you see ve in of? So, must have. Not must of.

Sadly, most people aren't literate enough to know that. I am disgusted by how often I see college educated adults who use "of" instead of the contraction "'ve" because they don't understand that they are really saying "have." How do you get a bachelor's degree and not know that? What kind of crap college confers a degree on someone who does not know that?

xavier11 2

Safe to say he got you wet ^.^

dirtstain12 0

See, women and dogs aren't all that different.

Neighbors, convenient stores, car, cellular device? Y u no use?

alexalex224 0

And how well did that work out for ya

j3ebrules 13
shrinkydinks 0

Or just piss in a bush. Like seriously?

Hey, it happens. Although, thats pretty shitty. How did tht work out? Did he see that you peed your pants?

MissAimeeAngel 15

My puppy sometimes does that when I come home.