Stalker vibes

By porkieworkie - 21/04/2009 12:44 - United States

Today, after getting off the phone with a girl I'm interested in, I parked on campus and ate my lunch in the car. As I was sitting there, she appeared out of nowhere and walked to her car. I was parked directly behind her car, sitting there like a creepy ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 746
You deserved it 9 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

piderman13 0

I'm kinda just imagining this guy with a freaky-ass expression as he is eating his subway foot-long and just staring at this girl as if it's the first girl he has ever seen (;

Ell363 0

Should've pulled out your phone again and called her and described to her what she was wearing.


that only sucks if she was upset should have played it off like, "omg that's your car? o that's funny!" if she likes you she won't be freaked out

ILoveJace01 0

Does she know that you like her? If not, it's not that creepy. And even if she does, if you don't stalk her and stuff, I'm sure it still wouldn't have been that creepy. You should've said hi or something.

This is totally miles when he's older. Just wait and see I'll bet anyone $500.

jnic 0

holy crap, stop being so awkward and anxious and take advantage of it / learn how to deal with girls. saaadd.

Not going to lie but that does sound creepy. Most people don't eat lunch in their car and I'm sure you already knew what car was hers (since you like her). I gave you a YDI since its seems you may have put yourself into the situation to look like a creeper. Maybe it is like you said but I have a gut feeling that you saw her car and parked it and are justifying it by saying you were going to eat in your car.

rakhil11 7

take advantage of the situation. i would have been like "OMG WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!!" if u said hi. if u hadn't, i would think "creepy"

cartering 0

unless you go to a college with an enrollement of 5 and parking spaces for 20 only a psycho would think you intentionally parked behind her car. The only time I ever always got the same parking spot was when I had to be on campus before any classes started for a job, and I went to a small school - when i attended a large uni, I had sometimes had to try two parking lots before I found a space. Since she obviously drives too, she should be capable of realizing how unlikely it is that you found her car, camped out in the lot behind it for however many hours it took for the person parked behind her to come back from class to leave, and then pulled in to that spot to watch her car

Were you just sitting there staring at her and she saw you while your eyes were like: O___O? Then that might;ve been creepy... If not, I don't think she made anything of it.