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By Asshole Parker - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to work early and saw my crush's car in the parking lot, so I parked next to her. After that, I looked over at her car to see her staring at me with a weird look and her saying, "Really?" Then she gestured around the lot; I looked around to find it completely empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 663
You deserved it 8 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

I got to say that is a little creepy. You could've parked one or two spots down from her. Then if you saw her in her car you could act like you're looking for something until she got out. That way you could walk with her to work and have a casual conversation and maybe start something.

...Sorry, your feelings don't seem mutual.


...Sorry, your feelings don't seem mutual.

Don't give up OP! May be she's having a bad morning.

Or maybe she's just not interested, and doing anything more would come off as not being able to take a hint.

Encouraging someone to keep pursuing a person who doesn't seem interested is not helpful. I know you're trying to be nice, but it's not good for the OP or the girl.

Imagine having a guy you're not interested in continuously pursuing a relationship with you. Maybe you've all but outright told this guy to get lost. Maybe you have and he still tries. Maybe it's starting to feel like he's stalking you and he may or may not be as innocent as you may have thought when this crushing started. It sounds like he has been annoying her for a while and she's at the point that she doesn't try to hide her annoyance anymore.

mariri9206 32

4's advice to not give up is sound. It's just a parking spot, not an indication that she's not interested. It's more likely she thought it was weird and was all "wtf?!" because OP parked right next to her in an empty parking lot. OP should def keep pursuing her but should actually use his words and ask her out. If she says no, then she's not interested and that's when OP should back off and leave her alone.

Crush or not, a lot of the times when I park in an empty lot, others cars will park near me. It's like some unspoken rule for the majority of the vehicles to be packed together no matter how spacious the lot is.

It's a safety thing, like animals in a herd.

Just like in the men's bathroom. You'd think other people would pick the other urinals, but nope. It's always the one right next to you.

species4872 19

Especially if your a women at the urinal.

I always thought it was the unspoken rule to try and give the other cars at least one spot of space. Just like bathroom stalls. Never go right next to a person if you can leave space.

I hate this "rule". I park my car away from people on purpose so I 1) have room to open my door and not ding others (drive a 2 door you'll understand) 2) so idiots dont open doors into my car.

It happens to me A LOT. The worst I have experienced (so far) was a huge cargo truck parked right next to mines (extremely close as well!) in a completely empty parking lot of a plaza! Good thing was that whoever the driver is decided to park it on the passenger's side and not the driver's side, otherwise that was some serious trolling he/she was playing.

I think its because its easier to judge if you're inside the line and not looking like an asshole if there's a car next to you..

Personally, I'm going to have to disagree with you, #57.

kyu_Q 19

Perhaps things will go better in te future if she doesn't think you are a stalker or clingy

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

I got to say that is a little creepy. You could've parked one or two spots down from her. Then if you saw her in her car you could act like you're looking for something until she got out. That way you could walk with her to work and have a casual conversation and maybe start something.

Yes plan it all out meticulously like a stalker trying to not look like a stalker

Plus, how could OP not have noticed the parking lot was COMPLETELY empty?

Try using your words instead of hovering in her personal space. Learn to empathize and understand how uncomfortable those kinds of actions make people, particularly women, feel. Physical proximity beyond what is required is by invitation only.

He parked next to her. I hardly consider someone parking their car near mine "invading my personal space."

Maybe not to the OP's crush, but I'm sure her car felt completely violated after OP's car parked close to hers. Poor vehicle.

It can feel pretty aggressive, even hostile, if someone is hovering around you all the time when the company isn't wanted. Being considerate of how someone feels is about how they are interpreting the situation from their point of view, not how you interpret it from yours.

Op's kinda shown when they can they'll try to get close to her. Not really a bad thing by itself, but she doesn't seem interested. Imagine a person you don't know, that you're not interested in doing so. Yes this is one instance but it shows op ignored surroundings focusing on the girl and will take any chance to be by her. Yeah it can be taken creepily and maybe scary

tristthor 11

After her gestures, you should have pulled out and parked on the other side of her. See if that makes her happier.

Can't say I blame her. The way you handled this made you lionlike a creeper. I'm sure it wasn't your intention. As much as it sucks things went this way you can still turn it around. You have some good advice here and I can't think of anything useful to add. So go for it!!