Stalker vibes

By olalala2382 - 02/04/2009 05:09 - United States

Today, as I worked the drive-through at Wendy's, the hottest girl from my math class pulled up to the window. As I handed her the drink, I asked her what she thought of our math test today. She screamed, "How did you know I had a math test, you creep!", threw the drink at me, and drove off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 107
You deserved it 7 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoa, ouch. When you're next in maths, ask her how she liked her meal/drink from Wendy's and watch her go red as she realises. ;)


#5. XD and plus, she probably doesnt even know you. -___-

Just spit in her burger the next time she comes there. LOL @ #5 *Sigh* Why are the pretty ones usually such bitches/idiots?

gabeepicfails 0

#9 when you're young , those kinds of jobs are fine , and Wendy's is wicked so .

I agree with #5. Talk about an overreaction.

#5, then she would grab her math book and throw it at him saying, " HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS AT WENDY'S, YOU CREEP! "

King_of_Kings 3

#13 yo Jimboom, what is up? good idea about the burger

Hey #17 Not much. the sky. Some birds. :) Though it wouldn't have to end there. Take the security camera of her throwing the drink in your face and circulate it to all the fast food places around town telling them all what happened. Chances are they will think she is as big a bitch as we all do. She will never have a loogie-free fry/burger ever again! Mwuuuhaahaaa

I say, Next lesson, wear your Wendy's hat.. and sit behind her and whisper "I've found you"

lol # 20 do wat #20 says itll will be so funny ahah that cracked me up buh omg how self obsoruved is shee

Flutist 3

TINA LEARN TO SPELL. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY. You need to beware, the thesaurus is going to creep up behind you, tackle you down and then beat you with the dictionary. I laughed at the "I found you." I would rub it in her face.