Stalker vibes

By olalala2382 - 02/04/2009 05:09 - United States

Today, as I worked the drive-through at Wendy's, the hottest girl from my math class pulled up to the window. As I handed her the drink, I asked her what she thought of our math test today. She screamed, "How did you know I had a math test, you creep!", threw the drink at me, and drove off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 107
You deserved it 7 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoa, ouch. When you're next in maths, ask her how she liked her meal/drink from Wendy's and watch her go red as she realises. ;)


Honestly, it sounds to me like she did it on purpose. She probably knew who you were, thought you were a "geek" and decided to have some "fun" with you. I imagine she called all of her friends afterwards, gloating about how "cool" she was. I agree, think of a way to get some revenge if you can.

AlexJakubsen1 0

fake. nobody reacts like that

rawberry22 0

she is going to feel stupid when she sees you in class or you explain what happened. She is an idiot.

braFTW 0

#20 FTW! =D You should have introduced yourself first, she didn't get it that you were her classmate because you jumped into commenting her life and not how you knew what she did that day..

jstwnt2belved 0

She sounds like a conceited, self-absorbed snob. If she doesn't realize your in her class and you have been in there long enough to take an exam, then don't waste your time. She obviously cares about no one but herself.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

boy is she gonna be embarrassed tomorrow!

nickbert 0

Shit like this makes me hate women.

tehhotness, STFU, no one wants to hear your negative crap.

fantome_fml 0

Just talk to her next math class and after she gets that your not a stalker and you just happen to be in the same class say something like "Jez you're stuck up,If I was going to stalk somebody I'd at least pick someone pretty" If she's stuk up enough to think that everyone is stalking her she needs a good insult maybe it'll be a good reality check, since you were just trying to be nice and make conversation or do what #64 and #20 said because it'd just be funny...the police will probably find it amusing too lol