
By Alyssa - 13/02/2012 00:01 - United States

Today, my parents were out, so I lit up my first ever joint. I got so stoned out of my mind that when my dad came back home and asked what the smell was, I said a stray cat had left an upper-decker in the toilet. He found the joint in my room, and now I'm grounded for the rest of the school year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 850
You deserved it 83 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ByronJess 17

Weed and cat shit smell nothing alike.

#60 You smoke weed, you don't use a needle..


skrillz69 0

You know how this could have been avoided?? Huh? ..don't do drugs Einstein -_-

YDI ...Okay ,you wanted to know how it feels and stuff but really in your own house??and by your own?? it's just stupid!! You could've hurt yourself or burn your house down! Now that you've tried it , try avoiding

lizard399 0

If English is your first language.. just slap yourself in the face.. twice please. And if it isn't then slap yourself anyways cause your reasoning is retarded.

"Drugs are bad, mmmkay?" Dumbass. ( = you.)

Could be worse. You could have been caught by the cops. Or you could have been soooo stoned that you sentence didn't make sense. Or you could have even shoved the joint in you dads face and asked him to join you. Lol

"Son, I am absolutely disappointed that you decided to smoke weed..." "Dad, I'm sorry, it's just tha-" "...without me." 10 minutes later: "Son, where did mom put that turkey roast again?"

That's what you get. But it sure was the "cool" thing to do huh? Drugs are a waste.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

How old are you? Is this how DARE taught you to think? I'm sorry, but as far as I know, kids don't threaten other kids into smoking weed. Urban legend. Usually if someone says 'no, I don't want any' they move on. It's smoking a plant that makes you chill, not sneaking into an abandoned factory full of radioactive waste. No one's going to dub you a pussy if you refuse.

Yeah wow... don't get stoned at home: parents there or not.

Ydi if you did it in the house idiot , keep it outside the house then most parents don't care

LDBrann93 0

Marijuana is not a drug. It is grown and is therefore an herb. Rules of smoking: 1. Smoke with friends 2. When caught via smell, fess up 3. Don't smoke inside without smoking cigs afterwards

Shadow_Phantom 26

*throws dictionary* "drug 1    [druhg] .... c. any article, other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or other animals. ... 3. a habit-forming medicinal or illicit substance, especially a narcotic." Marijuana fits both of those. You were saying?