
By dad - 03/03/2009 22:28 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my wife when my 14 year-old daughter texted me from her room, "Stop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 368
You deserved it 83 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissFae 0

Why are you checking texts in the middle of sex? We're gonna see your wife posting here next...


crazy17 0

haha... im the daughter. my parents put this up. i found them on there computer the other day on this. i texted "stop" to them. i couldnt stand it any longer...

Bshaw 0

Yes your daughter was out of place to say that but you have to realize that she didn't ask to be born, and shouldn't have to hear that. Did you like hearing your parents do it? And all of you who say it's not disturbing to hear your parents have sex or teach her lesson are just as big of pigs as the father. Yeah it's natural, but there's a time and place for everything.

linzey 0

what gets me is you stopped to read it. hahaha. in the mist of sex you stopped to read a text message

Colelove21 0

#13 - you are legend. I agree with #4 haha that would have been fantastic. We're totally gonna get another post on the site sson saying 'Today, I was having sex with my husband when he starts texting his daughter halfway through.'

Hello_Cthulhu 0

I'm at a bit of a standstill; I agree with both sides of this comment debate. Before my long winded opinion stating, I would like to add that I'm a sixteen year old girl, and I feel like I can relate to a fourteen year old caught in this situation. On the one hand, I've been freaked out before when hearing my mom and her boyfriend having sex when I was eleven, although honestly I was more freaked out at the noises than the fact that it was sex. When she explained that that's what it was, I was fine and didn't care anymore. I've never had a problem with my Mom's sexuality- she's bisexual, polyamourus, and very kinky- and in fact we're both very open about it and sometimes joke with each other about the fact that her door IS only about four feet away from mine, but she also respects my boundaries as well, asking whether I'd like her to spend the night somewhere else instead. I think it was insensitive of your daughter to text that, but maybe you two should have a long talk about where each of your boundaries are, and what you both can deal with. I've been on the recieving end of this before and yes, it can be EXTREMELY awkward, but I've never been scarred from it. However, I also agree that it was somewhat insensitive of you to be having sex when she could obviously hear. My advice is to talk with her abut what's comfortable for the two of you. LAthough honestly, everyone, it really depends on what everyone involved is like, and how open they are. Just puttin' my two cents in. Can't belieave I wasted that much time on this, I better go to sleep... ^-^

Hello_Cthulhu 0

also, #120? *high fives* ^-^