
By dad - 03/03/2009 22:28 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my wife when my 14 year-old daughter texted me from her room, "Stop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 368
You deserved it 83 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissFae 0

Why are you checking texts in the middle of sex? We're gonna see your wife posting here next...


she's jealous that she isn't getting any ass.

YDI for letting your fourteen year old have her own cell phone.

lexxi_fml 0
MissMel_fml 0

hahaha ive so done that to my rents too! i was then told that i was having a nightmare and to go back to bed :P

GOOD FOR HER. daym if my rents did tht i...idk what i would atLEAST wait til she leaves the houseee!!!

@#11 "Today I was having sex with my husband, and right in the middle, he picks up his phone to check a text message. Turns out it was our daughter telling us to stop. FML." Fix'd.

Katlynnnn 0

Silly daughter. Silly parents.

ad_infinitum 0

#147: You are immature. You are alive because your parents had sex, think about it. But yes, being quiet after having children is really important.