
By dad - 03/03/2009 22:28 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my wife when my 14 year-old daughter texted me from her room, "Stop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 368
You deserved it 83 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissFae 0

Why are you checking texts in the middle of sex? We're gonna see your wife posting here next...


"You didn't say the magic word, bitch. STFU noob kthxbai"

Nicolai_Tansy 0

lol. you deserved it. i hate it when my parents do that. and i wish i could tell them to stop. now, i know how. thank you.

oh my ****** goth! are you sick or what? doing that in front of the poor girl. man, at least wait til you and your bitch is alone. seriously. *shakes head* dude...

squeaky_fml 0

You owe your wife an apology for answering your phone during sex. And, you should punish your daughter. It's your house and you can do what you want in your own room. Remind her that, #1 she would not exist if you guys didn't have sex, and #2, would she rather you didn't have a good sex life and ended up getting divorced?

xxdani 0

I don't get why everyones calling this daughter a spoiled brat and a bitch? you guys aren't quick to judge a person or anything? maybe it was a little insensitive for the girl to text back "stop" but still, its a little awkward hearing your parents have sex, how many of you want to listen to your parents have sex?

xxdani 0

whoops sorry i didnt mean to use the word "everyone" i know not everyones saying that sorry

Kaze12 0

your disgusting!!!!! do that when she cant hear you!!!!!

redheadedbeauty 0