
By dad - 03/03/2009 22:28 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my wife when my 14 year-old daughter texted me from her room, "Stop." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 368
You deserved it 83 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissFae 0

Why are you checking texts in the middle of sex? We're gonna see your wife posting here next...


Wow, to all the idiots saying 14 year olds shouldn't have cell phones...truth is most do, I have one because my parents are concerned about my safety and I hardly use it otherwise. And F Your Daughter's life, nobody should be forced to hear other people having sex. To the people saying she could have left: hey, we never know, she could have been grounded, her friends could be busy, she could be doing her homework. -.-"

princess7_11 0

im 15 and i h8 hearing my parents hav sex but its not the end of the world....but its still gross

ha ha i told my mum that she can only have sex when my sister and i arn't there...did they listen? no


Ughh, thats nasty, im 19 and hearing it DOES scare some kids for life, every now and then i relive it and i shudder with disgust, i would never have sex with my children in the house once they are old enough to walk. nobody wants to hear their parents having sex . I got my parents to stop when i we went on vacation (my moms boyfriend(not married) and her)and i was with my fiancee. and they insisted that out rooms be next to each other, me and tony were watching tv and we heard them going at it. So after the finished me and my fiancee started pretending to do it. (making noises and stuff, banging on the wall like they did). With in 3 minuted of it they came banging on our door telling us to stop and that htey didnt want to hear it. I opened the door and they saw us fully dressed, i i said "it sucks to have to listen to your family member have sex don't it?" i never heard them again.

Yeah that does really suck. I remember my mom used to have sex with some guy when she thought I was asleep. My grades dropped from As and Bs to Cs and one or two low Bs. It really does suck.

MasterConan 0

tell ur daughter to go somewhere else if she's not liking what she hears. kids do what the parent tellsem. not the other way around. and it's not her house, it's not her choice, if she doesn't like it, then gtfo!

it may not scar u like Nam, but it's pretty bad. still not enjoyable

drocks93 0