Stranger danger!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took my child to the park. Having been there an hour, another mum came up to me and we started talking. She then told me that one kid had been harassing her children, pointing to my child. When she asked which one was mine I pointed to a random kid. It was hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 709
You deserved it 52 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ddeathbombb 5

Tell her "well it's my child now"


perdix 29

If you taught your kid not to be a bully, you wouldn't have to lie about not knowing them. Unless you're one of those parents who lives vicariously through their bully children.

Shame on you! Denying who your is child? Tsk tsk ***For some reason, this reminds me of "Friends", when Ross was embarrassed to admit he still goes to his childhood pediatrician and tried to claim a kid in the waiting room.

To be honest, I would've done the same thing.

So you can tell from something as little as that, that I'll be a bad parent? We all make mistakes in parenthood. Nobody can be perfect. This is one of those memorable moments that wich you can tell your kid in his older years and laugh with him about it.

Shit happens. No wonder you guys are so sensitive today. You think everybody should be nice. Well nobody is. If you see a bully you want to crusify the guy. Yeah so learn to stand up for yourself. And besides kids are kids they cant distingiush from right or wrong yet. This is just a really funny thing that happened to her. Stop bashing her about it

wildsweetchild 19

It's YOUR child! If there is a problem fix it...don't try to avoid it because you feel embarrassed...that won't solve anything. You're acting like a child yourself, grow up and take responsibility!

winkydog4056 16

Somehow one needs to have a license to do so many things, except become a parent.....OP, get your shit together, supervise your kids & teach them right from wrong.

Lol I love this! I need a Liscence to be a plumber or carpenter or hair stylist! To have a kid I just have to put a P in a V. And people wonder why each new generation is worse than the last?

brand2017 9

I say it depends on the type of harassment. If it looks like a problem, step in of course. But if its just little kids being little kids, its not a big deal. For example. If the kids were playing tag and your kid was just tagging the other kids too hard or was shoving kids, then id tell the kid to be more gentle and careful. Whereas if my kid was just being a dick and pouring sand on other kid's heads or something id spank the shit out of him. Contrary to what is "politically correct" i see spanking as a legitimate form of punishment. I was Spanked once in my life. After that, all that was needed was a warning.

Next time, just be honest, it'll save embrasement.