Stranger danger!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I took my child to the park. Having been there an hour, another mum came up to me and we started talking. She then told me that one kid had been harassing her children, pointing to my child. When she asked which one was mine I pointed to a random kid. It was hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 709
You deserved it 52 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ddeathbombb 5

Tell her "well it's my child now"


I don't understand why parents avoid dealing with situations like this. It's part of parenting. Everyone knows avoiding problems make them bigger. If OP just got off their ass and dealt with the problem right away the problem would have been corrected. That's not even mentioning how disgusting it is to lie about what child is yours. If you are that ashamed of your child or their actions then you need to figure shit out real fast and quit taking the lazy way. Kids are always watching and listening great example OP.

I'm a parent, I know when to deal with my son. He likes to do things that aren't right. I have to correct him. He needs to know wrong from right. That's what's wrong with parents today. They don't know how to take responsibility.

I have two kids one boy an one girl. They've made mistakes every kid does but at the end of the day it's our responsibility to teach right and wrong. A lot of parents mistake is ignoring the children's mistakes and accomplishments if you don't make a big deal and show them the difference in how it effects them then how do they know. I saw a mom once completely ignoring her son who looked to be around four, we were evacuated due to a close fire. He wanted his food opened and she kept playing on her phone. He ended up hitting her with the jar of baby food, yes I just said he was around four years old and he had baby food. When he hit her all she said was mommy is trying to find out how to bottle break you shut up for give minutes and you will get your food. After that complained she doesn't know why he's so out of control. I know it's easier for an outsider to see the problem but when did it become okay to ignore our children for cell phones or not discipline for hitting or to have a four year old still on a baby bottle and jar baby food.

I agree with everything but just to point out one thing, my son is five and can only have baby formula due to a medical condition

saIty 17

She mad your kid can beat up her kid in a fight.

heartemopants 18

lol that reminds me of that FRIENDS episode where Ross still goes to his pediatrician and says this random kid is his because he is embarrassed and its her kid. Major awkwardness. FYL

CharresBarkrey 15

Yes! I was going to comment the same thing! And how he solves the Where's Waldo for the kid.

KiddNYC1O 20

Am I the only one who doesn't like Friends?

That's what you get for trying to take the blame off of your child and lying, OP.

Newsflash: this kind of thing comes with being a mother. If you can't take it, you should've used a condom.

My parents used a condom, but I broke right through it.

^that just means you're a rebellious badass. "**** it, I'm out." *breaks through*

JessalynVictoria 6

You need to discourage your child from behavior like that now, while he/she is young. What may seem harmless now can turn into serious bullying behavior later. Bullying has become a serious issue that needs to be addressed with young children so it effectively gets stopped before it starts.

well, if they were both harassing eachother then it would be interesting to watch..

You're responsible for your kids actions. You should've apologized and let her see you telling your kid that doing that isn't okay. You deserved it.

Be a parent and teach your kid what is and is not acceptable behavior. If they're too young to understand words, find another teaching tool (though still at least try the words first). There is no avoiding responsibility for what you bring into this world. Parents who don't understand that are part of the reason this world is in the state that it is.