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Stuck on Amber

By 1234567898765432 - 27/03/2009 16:47 - Canada

Today, I went to a Stoplight Party. Green shirt = single, yellow = hard to get, and red = taken. I showed up wearing a red shirt and saw my boyfriend in a green shirt. Thinking it was a mistake, I asked him jokingly why he wasn't wearing red. He looked at me oddly and said, "Oh, you didn't get my text?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 113 692
You deserved it 6 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who breaks up over text!? Good thing he broke up with you, he has no class. Best regards, S


Who breaks up over text!? Good thing he broke up with you, he has no class. Best regards, S

DamionDude 0

Sounds like Joe Jonas.. S4UB!!!!! lol and no, I don't like the Jonas brothers, and no its not my fault ur adopted.. I'm just doin ur mom

The Jonas brothers suck. But your pic made me lol for real!

Why does everyone want to be broken up with over text? I mean, I don't want to be broken up with face to face, cause I'd definitely cry and it's humiliating. The next day, of course, or when I have calmed down, I'd like a face-to-face conversation to ask why, but I don't really get the whole 'you're a douche if you break up over text'

Says the one who's FML username is "dickinabox". Stay classy mate ?

Says the one who's FML username is "dickinabox". Stay classy mate ?

Says the one who's FML username is "dickinabox". Stay classy mate ?

ozac 0

you're better off. if you get broken up with in a text, he obviously has no class, and never graduated high school, and is a douche of a scaredy cat when he has to confront something to someone. get over him and look for a new guy.

wow, your obviously better off. good riddance for you.

Wow deep thoughts in your description

That's terrible... also why is there so much texting to ask ppl out/ have sex/ break up on FML...

u should've went out and got a green shirt and went back after knocking the douche on his ass. who breaks up thrugh a text message it just shows that he has no balls or the intiative to be a man to do it face to face

I wonder if the host is a Trekkie making comments on monogamy.

angelgrl01 0

that really sucks that's the worst way to break up w/ a person through a freaking text...believe me I know. He should of had the courage to do it face to face

sunshyne84_fml 0

both of u are losers for goin to a stoplight party