Sucks to suck

By Anonymous - 14/08/2009 04:35 - Australia

Today, I was on the bus, when an elderly woman stepped in. She looked too weak to stand. She looked at me with sad puppy eyes, expecting me to give up my seat for her. I felt sorry and got up. As soon as she sat down, she said, "Ha! Sucker!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 253
You deserved it 7 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments


xXxJazzaxXx 0

HAHAHAHA! Thats so me when I grow up man. Anyone seen Gran Torino. Kudos to that movie. Respect the old people. Thats funny anyway. XD

That is one awesome old lady... And if an old lady gets on a bus, you shouldn't have to wait for her to make puppy eyes...

wheedlebug1164 0

you're supposed to give up your seat anyway. And #125, public transportation is a GOOD thing, not a bad, stupid, embarrassing, or useless thing. So...NOT ydi for using a bus.

CaptainBaconMan 0
sarahlh_23 0

If you are gonna post something please make it be true!!

Oh no! You lost your seat on the bus ONE time! Your life is a living hell!