Support system

By daddylove - 12/06/2011 04:21 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 6 months broke up with me. I was crying for over an hour in my room. My dad came in and asked what was wrong. Just as I was about to tell him, he stops me and simply says, "Oh, honey. I don't care… Just keep the noise down." Then walks out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 427
You deserved it 6 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you probably cry constantly about everything so even when he is concerned he thinks better of getting involved


It was only 6 months - move on. There are more pressing issues, like your dad who doesn't know how to deal with people who are upset.

codymission2011 0

who cares if it was 6 months. thats enough time to fall in love. maybe u should fall in love and loose someone in 6 months. its not easy.

#70, 6 months can feel like a really long time at that age, but the submitter is eventually going to grow up and realise it wasn't as big a deal as they made it out to be at the time. And I think love takes a bit longer than that.

don't listen to the ppl who say you're just a stupid kid. fyl just goes to show that guys can be jerks.

ikr. So many people lack sympathy...

cupcake_19s 0

what a douche! you should do the same thing anytime he gets extremely upset.

redhead07 0

what a dick! I would make sure to cry even louder then.

For everyone saying 'WTF it was only 6 months!', keep in mind the OP sounds pretty young. 6 months can feel like a lifetime when you're 13. Anyways, her dad shouldn't have said that, that was really harsh for any age. OP was obviously hurt and she was under the impression that her dad had come up to make her feel better, so I can see how that could make her feel worse. FYL hun, your dad's a jerk...

afonkin01 0

Hahahaha wow your dad is such a boss!

austin0023 0
kamiicult 0
toxicmurder109 4