
By arch maester shavayalsharashion - 26/07/2015 17:29 - United Kingdom - Surbiton

Today, I was pouring my heart out to my dad about how I'm such a loser and how I have no friends. He listened sympathetically, until his phone buzzed with a text message. He said, "Balls, the guys from work wanna get shitfaced!" and took a rain check on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 815
You deserved it 2 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So sorry for you. But we, strangers care about you. So go out there and make some friends!

Just remember: No one is alone. There are people who feel just like you, and it's rough, but it gets better.


Things getting pretty lonely at the citadel, Arch Maester?

That's awful.. I hope you get to spend some uninterrupted quality time with your father soon OP :)

Feel free to message me if you want to talk, there's tons of people out here that care

Have you tried anonymous venting websites?

Why? 0.0 stop trying to avoid the problem! Whining will not improve your situation.

Whining? Venting isn't whining. It's releasing your thoughts instead of keeping them inside and feel down all the time. You vent, then the listener suggests ways to improve, or you go to a counselor if things are drastic. Otherwise, be active and go out talking to people.

"Whining" is cathartic. Also, a lot of what people call "whining" is seeking companionship and advice. Actual whining is excessive complaining over minor matters. Feeling like a loser and feeling rejected is not a minor matter, and the OP's dad is quite the arse.

You should try to man up a little.

Did you ever stop to consider that maybe you're "friendless" because you complain about life instead of fixing it? Just say hey to someone. Start a conversation. Easiest way to make a friend. Sitting inside complaining to your dad is only making your life worse.

Not everyone is good at making friends. Starting up small talk also isn't the easiest thing is the world, and "just say[ing] hey" to people isn't easy either. It also sounds like the OP HAS tried to make friends, several times. But if the OP is in high school or lives in a small community or town, then they have to deal with cliques- and if there isn't a clique that has similar interests at their location, or the OP's interests are shamed where they are, it makes it even more difficult. There's also the chance of rejection, even if OP tries to be friendly, which can be seriously harmful, especially if the OP has social anxiety issues or something similar. For all you know, he could be a victim of harassment from the people in his location, and once someone becomes a target, bystanders are even less likely to want anything to do with someone. They worry about becoming a target themselves, and tell themselves it isn't their problem. So instead of assuming the OP somehow deserves being ignored by his own father for a drug, you could actually try to have some empathy.

you need friends, friends you shall get! Get a job, join a training centre, go college, just do stuff instead on sitting at home! You will meet new people... Trust me.... I've just completed my SIA training and have met two wonderful people... Just get out there (y) Ooh Yh, don't stay with people who put you down :D

Wooow lool, you must be fun at parties!