
By arch maester shavayalsharashion - 26/07/2015 17:29 - United Kingdom - Surbiton

Today, I was pouring my heart out to my dad about how I'm such a loser and how I have no friends. He listened sympathetically, until his phone buzzed with a text message. He said, "Balls, the guys from work wanna get shitfaced!" and took a rain check on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 815
You deserved it 2 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So sorry for you. But we, strangers care about you. So go out there and make some friends!

Just remember: No one is alone. There are people who feel just like you, and it's rough, but it gets better.


Helldemon 32

I went through the comments just to find someone mentioning Bobby or Supernatural :D

Join the club. You have to realize even though you want to talk about it, nobody actually wants to hear it.

Oh that ... Rain Check gotta have a social life

in all seriousness, you cant expect someone else to bring your self esteem up, now before everyone gets the *****, its awkward, brain draining and mentally exausting to keep trying to bring someone s confidence up. you gotta do that yourself

When it's your own child whose self esteem needs building you should at least make an effort.

Prioritizing social drug use over the emotional wellbeing of one's offspring is NOT okay. OP's father didn't just do that- he blatantly told the OP he was less important that the chance to cause damage to his body with a harmful chemical. Maybe if it were a random person it would be a different matter, but if someone you should care about (friends, partners, FAMILY) is talking to you about your problems, you should try.

56 I totally agree. Self reliance is the key to self esteem, motivation and a whole bunch of other shit in life, including making friends and maintaining relationships. 64 sounds to me like you really need to **** off back to tumblr

Your father sounds like an arse. I don't know enough about you to say much else, but maybe a counselor is a good idea. As to friends... Don't worry about quantity, just try to find a few really good ones. Hell, find them online if the issue is people where you live don't share your interests. Maybe get a plant or animal to have for companionship. They listen when you talk to them, even if they can't respond. Or volunteer, or join an activity club. It won't be easy, but you should focus on finding something for you to do that has someone- or something in the case of the plant- relying on you. You've worth in you, you just need to find it

That phone isn't the only thing getting buzzed

you should've gone with them to get shitfaced as well

Next time suck it up and don't beg for attention

tiredofwaiting 25

It may seem like things will be bad forever but they will get better trust me. I have the same issue with my father so I can empathize with you. There are people like you out there. Maybe get involved in a group of sort you can meet people.

AJGrote_89 6

Oh my gosh?! You're in the boat too?!?! I thought I was alone. 25 year old hot blonde with literally zero friends, no future, depression, can't get a man to date me, all that fun shit... Dude come find me on the boat! FOurLives