Surgery gone rogue

By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 20:27 - United States

Today, I was operating on a young girl, when she began to awaken during the surgery. We quickly put her back under, of course, but now I'm terrified that she'll remember my profuse cursing and get me in the shit with my curmudgeonly killjoy of a boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 981
You deserved it 11 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flash her one of those things from Men In Black.

Surgery must be pretty stressful. There's a lot of pressure involved. If anyone should be allowed to swear at work, it should be a surgeon.


singingindasnow 0

It's ok. She might not remember until she's 40 and she will write a book about it and make millions. If that happens again, just say your welcome and that she owes you half of her profit ;)

Ok, half the commenters, the more common term for the people that knock people out before surgery is a anaesthetist. Just makes it easier :)

I have had surgery and to be honest, I hardly remember waking up or somehow going into the hospital room or even the surgery room beforehand. I highly doubt she will remember a few seconds of swearing. :)

mimiminx 23

I'm an English nurse and I am seriously shocked about people saying they'd sue! WTF! Thank **** I work for the NHS! And firing a perfectly competent surgeon for swearing is totes ridic. OP come work here, and you can do your work without fear of litigation :)

I feel like you're either a really bad surgeon or a liar. She was under the effects of anesthesia, even if she DID remember you cussing, it would be a very foggy memory and her drug induced state would not be a reliable case to get you in any trouble unless one of the other nurses or doctors in the room snitched. I've had a few procedures and even the ones where I was only put partially under with demerol and versed I hardly remember anything about just waking up. After my breast reduction the only thing I remember when I first started coming too is a vague memory of the tube being taken out of my throat and I THINK the nurse said something, but I could not comprehend what was said. Any surgeon should know that the affects from anesthesia take hours to wear off fully, even the recovery in just coming to after surgery takes an hour or two, and the effect it has on one's memory.

It's your word against hers. Since she was unconscious then she can't be sure what she thought she heard.

sxyandiknowit 4

Ok.... Anesthesia drugs by definition cause amnesia, it's one of the main points in using them. Even her waking up in the middle should be canceled out by the drugs effects. You should know this if you're qualified to operate! Ps. I think her wakin up is worse than your profuse cursing

Firstly, I doubt she properly woke up, unless the anesthetist had left the room and the rest of the team were oblivious nitwits, I'm sure she was just a little bit light... Secondly, doctors that are so highly strung that they freak out over a relatively common and very easily remediable occurrence should definitely not be in the high stress field of surgery - I foresee a promising career in pathology or dermatology ;)

Meaningless 1

If you were any good at your job, she wouldn't have woken up anyway.

FarscapeSDC 9

Why do people think it's the OP's fault? Do you morons have no knowledge of surgical procedure? Making sure the patient is unconscious is not the surgeons responsibility, it is the anesthetists job. If he screws up, then the patient would sue him, not the surgeon. secondly, these doctors work for years to get their qualifications and you want to sue them, possibly get them banned from practicing over mistakes? **** you!