Surgery gone rogue

By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 20:27 - United States

Today, I was operating on a young girl, when she began to awaken during the surgery. We quickly put her back under, of course, but now I'm terrified that she'll remember my profuse cursing and get me in the shit with my curmudgeonly killjoy of a boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 981
You deserved it 11 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flash her one of those things from Men In Black.

Surgery must be pretty stressful. There's a lot of pressure involved. If anyone should be allowed to swear at work, it should be a surgeon.


mekaylahm 0

Ha that really reminds me of Greys anatomy

papabear88 6

reminds me of House MD episode with the guy who woke up during necropsy

*spooky ghost voice* "It was all a dream!".

tenfiftynine 12

First off it's not the surgeons fault. People need to realize that he didn't do the anesthetics. I'm sure if my patient woke during surgery I'd being swearing too.

She came to and all you're afraid of is if she heard you swearing? What about the immense amount of pain she was in, you have no business being a doctor

Snackycake 20

Op:Okay just move that there and....OH MY F*CKING GOD SHE'S WAKING UP!

Wow... Someone wakes up during surgery and you're more concerned with you getting in trouble than their possible terror and or pain? That could be potentially traumatizing for them!!!

lilysmiles143 0

shame on you! who curses during surgery on a little girl!! smh...

Im calling B.S. on this one, any doctor would know to put the person being operated on under for more than the surgery time incase there are some complications.

Number 235 is right, u should not be posting the FML, AND wouldn't any good doctor know that u put the person under for MORE than the estamated time, by the way for any modraters reading this im not questioning weather this FML is valid or not.