Surgery gone rogue

By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 20:27 - United States

Today, I was operating on a young girl, when she began to awaken during the surgery. We quickly put her back under, of course, but now I'm terrified that she'll remember my profuse cursing and get me in the shit with my curmudgeonly killjoy of a boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 981
You deserved it 11 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flash her one of those things from Men In Black.

Surgery must be pretty stressful. There's a lot of pressure involved. If anyone should be allowed to swear at work, it should be a surgeon.


Well for one 1) I doubt waking up, after being under local anesthetic's she will remember much. (Even if they were wearing off) Off course you are more quallified to know, so correct me if I am wrong? It is one thing to consider, and 2) I also doubt a young person, (Exspecially this generation) is going to tell on your boss for swearing. Shit is a nice word compared to stuff gen Y (My generation) uses. Imagine what Gen Z is using now, even if this girl is not a teenager, and is a kid, you will see they are pretty de-sentitized quite a fair bit. Sad I guess, and I know that does not really help after a rough day at work, but maybe you can check up on her to see if she is okay? I mean it might give you peice off mind aswell as for her sake. Hung in there. and have a better day.

Shea234 7

Who the **** is saying FYl? What the hell is wrong with you? The hospital didn't do their jobs and they are now hoping that the patiant doesn't remember. Seriously this is the very reason people fear doctors offices.....

Well if that doesn't get you fired, than this HIPAA violation On a social networking site will! Don't talk about your patients!

lol it's not a HIPAA violation. The OP didn't give out any names or anything.

SapphireVelvet 8

Surgeons aren't responsible for anesthetizing patients. Anesthesiologists are. So why be concerned??

I think this would be a FML for her not you. Hopefully that girl does not remember, tell your anesthesiologist to pay attention to his job!!!!

annejayy 7

Having had surgery myself, it's hard to remember anything from when you go to sleep to right when you wake up. So, considering she didn't even fully wake up I'd say there's no chance of that happening.

Well, in one of my multiple surgeries, I have had my left ear resting on my cheek. Pretty sure if I woke up during that and remembered that. Ugh, I don't evem want to think of it. Still got the scar though :) And yeah, I agree with you there. I hardly remember going into the surgery room, just flashy moments like pissing myself laughing because the anaesthetist was telling me to dream of stupid things :l

Rainbowbright99 4

I would have felt compassion for OP if he would have said "I am concerned she will be scarred for the rest of he life from this experience."

Your patient woke up while her body was still cut open, and you're concerned because you swore???? I think that's the least of your worries, man.

HannahChex 6

I doubt that will actually happen. I'm sure even if she woke up for a small amount of time she probably still had the anesthetic in her, and you knocked her out again, so theres a miniscule chance of her remembering any of it.

in my opinion you should not be swearing. i have woken up in the middle of surgery and if i heard the dr swearing i would have probably been way more freaked out