Surgery gone rogue

By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 20:27 - United States

Today, I was operating on a young girl, when she began to awaken during the surgery. We quickly put her back under, of course, but now I'm terrified that she'll remember my profuse cursing and get me in the shit with my curmudgeonly killjoy of a boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 981
You deserved it 11 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flash her one of those things from Men In Black.

Surgery must be pretty stressful. There's a lot of pressure involved. If anyone should be allowed to swear at work, it should be a surgeon.


First of all, fire the anesthesiologist. Second act professional dude. YDI

ReaperUSMC11 5

With the kind of work you do on a daily basis, you should be entitled to curse on the job. Screw your boss.

subversivefreak 2

so, you've got a young girl on her back and you're just looking for any way if possible to make her forget the past 24 hours... do you happen to know a very friendly pharmacist.. ?

Yes poor YOU - nevermind the trauma of waking up during your own surgery ... Ass

afunnyterdcody 5

What's curdmoengly or whatever

What the hell does curmudgeonly killjoy even mean?

It means you should get off your lazy ass and look up shit in the dictionary.

Tbh, you'll be fine.. Anyone would freak out and cuss if someone woke up in the middle of surgery. Don't worry, I think it was more important that u got her back to sleep and finished the surgery. don't sweat it :)

helpme37 0

First off you ain't no surgeon nice try this would be a HIPPA violation weather or not you mentioned the patients name! Second off why would your boss give you crap that would be the chief of surgery! Nice try wake up stop dreaming oh and dr. Know how to spell

even if she did start to wake, she wouldn't remember it. #trustmeimanurse

If it was my kid, while waking up in surgery would be quite horrible, if a mistake had to happen better it be under dose and wake up in the middle than over dose and never wake up at all