
By HiddlePuff - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, while teaching my class, I hooked my laptop up to the projector and put on a documentary. I left it playing and went to the toilet. When I came back, the whole class was talking to my mother. She must've Skyped me while I was gone and someone answered the call. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 724
You deserved it 8 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh come on. Thats pretty freakin awesome

Maybe give your mom a schedule of when you are teaching and tell her not to try and Skype you between those times


When I came into the comments I figured some would be like "you shouldn't leave the class ydi" tbh. But really that'd be pretty funny for the students, and it shouldn't have been harmful.

At least it was your mom, and not someone from kik or tinder... I mean if you're into that kinda stuff, that is... lol

never_alone 10

so... what were they talking about?

hey it could've been worse. that's pretty funny

Ok I REALLY want to know what was said - blow by blow account OP? :D

saffy66 34

That's pretty funny and kind of cool. And your mother is pretty cool. A lot of people would have just become flustered and disconnected the call.

Cyrus00 41

Even when your teaching, your mum will not fail to embarass you at school!

This reminds me of the episode of Malcolm in the Middle where Lois crashes Malcolm's first visit at college and ends up coming off as the cool, knowledgeable parent.

sunny354wi 8

At the beginning, I thought for sure you were going to say **** popped up. So it could have been worse, that's kinda cool actually.