
By HiddlePuff - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, while teaching my class, I hooked my laptop up to the projector and put on a documentary. I left it playing and went to the toilet. When I came back, the whole class was talking to my mother. She must've Skyped me while I was gone and someone answered the call. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 729
You deserved it 8 352

Same thing different taste

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Oh come on. Thats pretty freakin awesome

Maybe give your mom a schedule of when you are teaching and tell her not to try and Skype you between those times


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JuliaaNoelle 26

sorry for that but it must've been so cool

That is pretty cool. As long as they didn't disrespect her then I say cool story.

This is why the 'Busy' status exists on Skype.

My grandmother would Skype every time I changed my status to busy, to ask why I was busy..Appear offline is your real friend if you don't want to log out.

@47 the point is when you're set as Busy, calls won't make noise or pop up on your screen.

Or just go Do Not Disturb. Can't even receive calls then.

I think we all thought this was going to end a lot worse.

amileah13 26

Could be way worse. I was expecting you to say that someone in the class switched it to ****. P.s, both your mom and students sound cool.

That's pretty funny. But I'm just gonna share my opinion real quick and say I hate teachers who show videos, use powerpoints, etc. You chose the job, why not make the class your own and actually do your own teaching? You could definitely be a fine teacher and this was just a one time thing, but I'm just saying :)

"use powerpoints, etc." I am assuming you are unaware power point presentations are very easy to make. Presentations can be very useful in helping teach lessons.

Videos are much more engaging to students than a teacher lecturing. Also, it was a documentary so it's showing research and factual evidence. Students will believe what they learn in a documentary more than whatever a teacher is telling them.

sometimes it's better to watch videos and powerpoints because you do less work and it makes more sense than books or teachers sometimes

If a teacher *only* shows movies (unless it's a film class), that's not good. But films and other digital media can enhance the curriculum. PowerPoints and things like that are pretty standard in most schools. I think most teacher evaluations have a "use of technology" component. We're expected and encouraged to use visuals and multimedia. The education technology industry a billion dollar business.

Many subjects, like art history, require a PowerPoint along with a lecture so that you can see what the professor is talking about. Videos add variety and, like what was said above, lend credibility to the subject matter. Besides, the damn PowerPoint doesn't make itself. Let's not criticize things we don't know about.

In what way is using a power point presentation that they have made any different than a teacher drawing/writing things on a white board or one of those clear projection screens? How is it easier for the students to take notes if the only thing they have to go by is what the teacher is saying? With the speeds at which some teachers wind up talking I know I would have been occasionally doomed if they hadn't been using visual aids to make following along easier.

And then, besides teaching, we have to put up with folks like you who more than likely are texting/asleep/on FB Or reading something other than the subject at hand and wonder why you're flunking the course.

On the contrary I prefer to experience a range of media in class, rather than just a book and a board. Soooo boring otherwise!

rldostie 19

I can't stand kids who don't understand how much time teachers put into prepping for a class. PowerPoint? That shit would take me forever to make. I'd have the research, then put it in words so the students could take better notes, then add pictures, visuals, and/or videos to keep the kids entertained. What to know what is really ******* easy? Just getting up in front of the class and speaking the whole while. Man, kids are just never happy these days. So glad not to be a high school teacher anymore. Loved my kids but way too little money for so much hard work with little to no appreciation. College professor all the way, baby!

And when you're a college prof you can drop them straight out of the class if they give you behavioral problems.

Unsupervised physical access to your machine and live account huh? Let's hope you weren't teaching IT security. Otherwise, enjoy the keyloggers..