
By HiddlePuff - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, while teaching my class, I hooked my laptop up to the projector and put on a documentary. I left it playing and went to the toilet. When I came back, the whole class was talking to my mother. She must've Skyped me while I was gone and someone answered the call. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 724
You deserved it 8 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh come on. Thats pretty freakin awesome

Maybe give your mom a schedule of when you are teaching and tell her not to try and Skype you between those times


This is the most adorable FML I've ever read!

That's pretty cool, I mean as long as she wasn't saying anything embarrassing then that's awesome!

brendejafulable 41
angel_dust 9

That's not the ending I was expecting.

sorry, but I find this hilarious!! as long as you didn't get in trouble, I am sure it's fine. :)

DanielleD93 16
TrinityisLife 22
lilchica22001 22

Awww your mom sounds awesome! I would be super excited for my mom to meet my class if I was a teacher :) I hope your students and your mom bonded in your brief absence.

I was really expecting **** to play xD