Suspicious activities

By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 02:24 - United States

Today, I was going home with the tomato plant I just bought in my cup holder. The smell of it was filling the car and I love the smell so I picked it up and took a wiff. A few moments later I got pulled over. Apparantly, the cop saw me sniff it and thought I was smelling a marijuana plant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 566
You deserved it 8 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fun fact, if you set fire to a tomato plant, it actually DOES smell like pot. Yes, I like to burn things.


procrastination_ 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA B.A. a tomato plant hahaha but yeah, on 4/20 i guess theyre crazy

fail_truck 0

"No, no ossifer! This isn't marijuana, this is a tomato plant. Go ahead, smell it!" lol. not an fml, but you're a bit obsessive.

UnCensoredBitch 0

LMAO! Now you have an awesome 4-20 story to tell! :)

sexxxy_lexxxy 0

umm, why the **** is this an FML? boohoo, you got pulled over....then you showed him it was tomato plant, and what? nothing? exactly.

Smelling MJ? I thought you were supposed to smoke it.

#8, inhaling the smoke of a burning tomato plant can kill you. even eating any other part of a tomato plant other than the actual fruit is poisonous.

alyssamarie218 0

ahahahahahaha thats awesome. i think the cop was high and paranoid for thinking youd be stupid enough to drive around with a pot plant in your front seat...

lol kind of understandable since it was 4/20... but funny :D