Suspicious minds

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I missed my own surprise party because, having heard it being planned, I thought it was going to be an intervention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 128
You deserved it 45 344

Top comments

YDI. if u thought ur friends might have reason for intervention

that's funny. sucks for you, though. intervention 4 wat????


maybe you were just so tweaked on meth you forgot it was your birthday.

Sounds like paranoia wht are you smokin

Intervention.... Theres a book i dont even want to open.. Good luck dude

If I was I addicted to something I would think the same thing, it's ok. :)

glambert1998 0

why an intervention? drugs,achool?

sydneydallas 5

you're stupid, ha. Lay off the crackpipe.

Illyssa_fml 4
munkee_6669 0

go to rehab or just end it already.