Suspicious minds

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I missed my own surprise party because, having heard it being planned, I thought it was going to be an intervention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 128
You deserved it 45 344

Top comments

YDI. if u thought ur friends might have reason for intervention

that's funny. sucks for you, though. intervention 4 wat????


Maybe you do need an intervention if your suspecting an intervention. ô____ô

SaintE_fml 0

your were probably all ****** up and paranoid, you wouldn't have enjoyed it!

Maybe they just needed an excuse as to why you didn't get invited to THEIR party!

imright24 0

what shit are you on that you thought it was an intervention?

YDI for being a meth-headed druggy, for eavesdropping, for being paranoid, and for falling for their bullshit of "it really WAS a party!".

How can you mistake a surprise party for an intervention? Did you think the balloons were to celebrate your addiction?

celebrated addiction. that's a new one

Maybe you need an intervention if you were paranoid enough to think that someone was planning one for you. :P

Usually if your paranoid enough to think that you do need an intervention. It's your mind telling you something.

Usually if your paranoid enough to think that you do need an intervention. It's your mind telling you something.