
By StevieMe - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was at work laminating a large photo. While I was doing this, I had a sudden itch on my nut sack. So I quickly scratched it away. When the customer came to pick up the print, I noticed that one of my pubic hairs had laminated itself on the cheek of the woman in the photograph. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 783
You deserved it 99 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could you tell us the location of your work place so we can all avoid it. Thanks.

Ok, so, you put your hand IN YOUR PANTS? I'm not a guy, but most guys I've seen that get an itch, usually don't put their hand in their pants. You're doing it wrong.


effliffe 0

you're supposed to scratch on the outside. that's rather dsgusting. although it is ******* hilarious

Why didn't you just itch yourself through your boxers???

I would hate to get that picture, especially if i was a girl lol. What if you put your hand in your mouth afterward you would have gotten the hair in your mouth lol.....ew thats so gross

it's called shaving dude. can't believe you can find a girl who would go down on that.

WendlaMimii 0

You're an idiot. Yeah. That you are.

effevery1slife 0
stinebean 0

#48 "That sneaky pube!" definitely the strangest phrase I've heard/read in weeks..

I agree with #9. You couldn't have just scratched it over your pants?

duhitzisabel 0

LMFAO. favorited! #18 cracked me the **** up for minutes, literarly.