
By Anonymous - 28/06/2012 16:53 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I found out that the piece of vacant land I purchased for $20,000 is illegal to build a house on, due to acreage restrictions. Thank you, realtor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 561
You deserved it 5 681

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have done research with the town first. With any kind of construction you want to talk to people about ordinances first. The realtor just wants to sell sell sell.

Could always build a paintball course and get revenue from that


It's your fault for failing to do due diligence.

A mini golf course might be a better idea, low start up costs, & overhead & cheap insurance compared to paintball lol

If it were me I would sue get my money back or use it for my atvs that would piss them off

Why would you spend 20K dollars on land you don't even know you can use?

That stinks :( Check into getting it rezoned...

You have a right to know what kind of land you're purchasing and your realtor should have told you! Its both parties fault in this case tho

Turn it into a parking lot and make some money off of it.

theslyfox72 3

SUE HIS ASS!!! You gotta show him who's boss

Build anyways. Stupid gubment people always makin dem stoopid rules and regs lol