Swings and roundabouts

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff

Today, despite being the fittest member of my family, with a good exercise routine and a decent diet, I'm the only one who was just diagnosed with diabetes. Meanwhile, the rest of my family are fat, lazy slobs who eat like shit, but are otherwise healthy as horses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 277
You deserved it 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have Type 1, it has nothing to do with diet or exercise. Type 2 can be a different story.

Obesity increases the chance of health problems, it doesn't guarantee them.


LostSoul 19

I feel for you. Took care of myself. Exercised, ate well, and my health sucks!

courtalex 5

Maybe it’s karma for describing your family as fat slobs.

If you have Type 1, it has nothing to do with diet or exercise. Type 2 can be a different story.

Obesity increases the chance of health problems, it doesn't guarantee them.

It sucks, but nobody deserves to get any illness they have or you feel they should have over you. I understand there is a grieving period for the changes that are in your life now. I went through it every time I got diagnosed with something new and will continue to. But I wouldn’t even wish it on those who caused it.

you don't have to be fat to be a diabetic....

Cordy7 3

Type 1 or Type 2? Type 1 has nothing to do with diet or exercise. It’s caused by the body’s inability to produce it’s own insulin. Type 2 has been linked to diet and exercise, but still doesn’t have on specific cause.