
By Anonymous - 03/08/2009 14:50 - United States

Today, I got fired from work. Why? I finally took a stand for myself and confronted my coworker of writing things up in my name for herself, and it getting deducted from my check. So she went to the manager and accused me of sexual harassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 060
You deserved it 3 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

seems like there must be more to the story if you got fired and people were happy about it

******* bitch. Go back to your boss, and have him pull up the records. The shit she wrote would OBVIOUSLY not compare with your handwriting at all. Or get creative with some brake fluid and stain a giant penis on her car hood. But then, she might use another employee's money to pay for the new paint....


lolololololololl 0

With whatever savings you got left, go to her house and tie her whole family with a rope and start raping them all and taking their money and when everythings done, start with her husband and work your way up to her by shooting them and making their brains splatter all over, fry the pieces and feed them very hot to your co-worker and if she vomits or refuses to eat, force them down her throat and cut her toes and fingers and stick em up her asshole

yeahsurre 0

why did you post this twice? good lord..

visage 0

If everyone was clapping that leads me to believe you've f'd a few of them over.

HahaYDI 0

Haha you know what you should do, accuse her of creating a plan to assassinate your boss.

Normally I'm not a big fan of lawsuits, but you might have a case.

everyone applauded? you must have been a frigging pain in the butt. still she is a bitch

CynicComedian 2

Not a fan of lawsuits either, but if you're telling the truth, you can and should get compensated for false termination. This is a time when suing is OK.

Well not just a to get compensated for the termination, you can also try to sue for psychological trauma, caused by a coworker abusing her rights and getting away with it and how much his boss does not trust him. Something on the lines of how he cant work for an extended period of time due to trauma and is now too afraid of being blackmailed and abused by his female coworkers.

Go Key her car and write "bitch" on her windshield in sharpie!

I agree to this - You can sue for unfair dismissal.

Ever seen the movie Disclosure? Starring Michael Douglas and Demi Moore. It's about this guy who got a sexual harassment accusation from this bitch, (he's innocent) but fought back and won.

letitbe56 0

You can sue for that. Defamation of some kind? I'm not a tort law expert, but she clearly lied, and that lie is going to affect your reputation, your ability to get a job, and maybe even your personal relationships. Plus, she sounds like a psychopath, not even kidding. Get a lawyer. FYL.