Taking a stand

By vampyrate3562 - 29/01/2015 12:56 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to run for the train, but because of my bad foot and limping they held the train, much to people's displeasure. No one let me sit down, so for the 20 minute journey, I stood. With a bad foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 926
You deserved it 4 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KhaleesiDannie 26

That's a shame people have to be spiteful like that it's not like you can help your bad foot


Boohoo!! I've had a broken foot and ankle for 3 months and work 50+ hours a week on it. Unless you're way pregnant or old, you can stand. Whiney ass people!!!

Sorry bud. They got to the seats first. You have no right to moan about them not standing up for you, bad foot or no bad foot. If you were that desperate for a seat, you should've made sure to get there early.

You really are a piece of work. There are more than just a few reasons why op could have been delayed without having any control over whatsoever. And no right? Since don't you have the right to moan, everybody has that right, or does that fall outside the freedom of speech category? I would also consider it very rude if someone doesn't stand for someone else who can use the seat better. Over here, they at least have dedicated seats for disabled people.

Wow, a lot of the people commenting on this are assholes. The guy's injured and these people reacted rudely to him for needing extra time to get on board. It's common courtesy to let someone who is injured or struggling have a seat. Those of you saying he shouldn't expect them to give him one or that it's his own fault, you should be ashamed. I hope someone breaks your foot someday and then refuses to let you sit down after running for a train. Maybe then you'll understand.

royalsgrl 14

Hey, at least they let you on the train. The other day I was running for a train and the lady with the sign signalled for the doors to close. While looking right at me. :(

Whenever I had to take the train home and there were no seats left, I'd just sit on the floor. I had to travel 45 minutes gone after college, I wasn't standing (strangers would also sit on the floor after seeing me do it).

People sometimes only care about themselves. Where I live it's illegal to not give up priority seating in that situation.