Tales of the unexpected

By Ryuga - 11/06/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I decided to confess my feelings to the girl I've had a crush on since the beginning of high school. We agreed to meet at Starbucks, but she was bringing a friend. I didn't care, because I just wanted to tell her how I felt. When I got there, I saw her making out with another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 844
You deserved it 5 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Uhm unless your a **** I don't see a problem with this situation.

fxdxhk90 0

that's awsome! go for the threesome.

I can understand people "not wanting to be labeled" but some of the comments here are ridiculous. I'm pretty sure that fooling around with a girl indicates that you are at least bicurious... Anyhow, re OP, not the end of the world. What you want to do next is: 1) Ask her if she is only interested in girls. 2) If not, would she be interested in you?

omgitsseejay 0

wow, this FML is probably the sexiest i've heard

Fail! But I agree with number 1 that'd be hot! I'd do it! LOL

You should have pretended not to see, then told her you love her. That would probably (for her) would be the most awkward moment ever.

Hopefully their pendulums swing both ways.

Clearly she knew your intentions beforehand.

#40 so, by making out with a girl, you're lowering your dignity? wtf.

miscreant4793 0

If she did kno its kinda lame 4 chickening out like that but if she's rly a lesbian then its kinda heartless of her 2 bring her gf.