Tales of the unexpected
By Ryuga - 11/06/2009 01:43 - United States
By Ryuga - 11/06/2009 01:43 - United States
By Stupid Drunk - 22/12/2012 05:01 - United States
By Anon - 13/12/2009 07:36 - United States
By WHY - 01/04/2016 00:58 - United States - Fairfax
By Anonymous - 14/09/2018 01:30
By cathugger - 16/08/2019 16:00
By Anonymous - 05/07/2015 06:18 - United States - Cranford
By StratMan - 28/05/2011 16:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/03/2017 20:00
By Anonymous - 28/03/2023 14:00
By Oraashi - 26/06/2012 17:18 - United Kingdom - Stoke-on-trent
Uhm unless your a **** I don't see a problem with this situation.
I can understand people "not wanting to be labeled" but some of the comments here are ridiculous. I'm pretty sure that fooling around with a girl indicates that you are at least bicurious... Anyhow, re OP, not the end of the world. What you want to do next is: 1) Ask her if she is only interested in girls. 2) If not, would she be interested in you?
Fail! But I agree with number 1 that'd be hot! I'd do it! LOL
You should have pretended not to see, then told her you love her. That would probably (for her) would be the most awkward moment ever.
Hopefully their pendulums swing both ways.
Clearly she knew your intentions beforehand.
#40 so, by making out with a girl, you're lowering your dignity? wtf.
why not jump in?
At least you got a free show out of the deal :p