Tales of the unexpected

By Ryuga - 11/06/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I decided to confess my feelings to the girl I've had a crush on since the beginning of high school. We agreed to meet at Starbucks, but she was bringing a friend. I didn't care, because I just wanted to tell her how I felt. When I got there, I saw her making out with another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 844
You deserved it 5 164

Same thing different taste

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#40, what if she was lesbian or bi to begin with? she could've seen him as a really good friend and such, but i can kinda see how this is an fml, but it's kinda borderline cuz it does have its perks :) and lol at #4, i hope he doesn't turn em lesbian either :P

GloomySkyz 0

Maybe they were just trying it? And am i the only one sick of all the "I had a crush but they were going out with someone else" FMLs?

musu_fml 0

OP: You had a crush on her for a long time, yet never got to know her well enough to learn that she was homosexual, or at least bisexual. That just proves you had a crush on an IDEA of her, not her; how can you know you like who she actually is if you clearly have so little idea of who she is?

YDI for not noticing that in a while :D

And that stopped you why? Such a douce, should have gotten straight in there.

amatayo 0

Wow that sucks. But my question is why? Did she know you liked her and how close where you? Seeing how she agreed to meet you.

Are you a guy or a girl....that's kinda important i guess

and the problem is.....wait, there is no problem...get in there!!!

crimson_smurf 0

why do guys automatically think bisexual/lesbian chicks will be open to threesomes? that is like the first thing guys say to me when they find out im bi. seriously dont flatter yourselves, i'm sure theyd rather have eachother to themselves.