Teaching moment

By poolboy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was working as a swim instructor for kids. Teaching them not to be afraid of the water, I put my face in the water and blew bubbles. I asked them to try it. All of them did, except for one. I went right to him and blew bubbles again. He then said to me, "But I just peed in that water." FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 469
You deserved it 9 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2 How does he deserve it? Oh I gotcha, OP teaches kids to swim so he deserves a face full of child piss....... But man that does suck. At least you were blowing bubbles and none of the water went in your mouth. Still pretty gross


ohhhhshizzz 0

#33: you are hilarious, and #42: you ruined it and you are probably lying. Damn, that sucks. But at least you don't have to swallow it. And apparently chlorine kills germs or whatever so hey. But still that is disgusting. Bwahah, kids. You love to hate them.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#51: Someone told me you got a rash from that.

A little rash is better than freezing, but I have never got a rash from that.

Sakeyaki 0

This is why I don't go swimming anymore. Eugh.

Lucky19 0

It all sounds like a joke to me, but if its true, then FYL...however, I would like to know: A. How you didn't notice the child peeing, assuming they hadn't been into the water before then, B. How you didn't notice a difference in the colour/taste/smell of the water, and C. how the other kids apparently didn't react, at all

swim703 0

i swim and the entire team pees in the pool all the time. the chlorine kills it in like 7 seconds so its not even a big deal. definitely not a FML

The first thing my swim team does after we get in for warm up is go to the shallow end and pee...it's not a big deal. This FML should not be up.

okay number 58 the htought of a bunch of people peeing all at once in a pool kinda grosses me out. but of course we all pee every now and then just as we all pee in the shower everynow and then number 56 when a kid pees in water its unnoticable and knowing that if the op was standing far enough away when he peed she/he wouldnt of noticed the change in temp and the other kids prob didnt care. and in a pool you dont smell the pee

Look at it this way: whether kids admit it or not, every hour you spend in a public pool means you ingest about a liter of urine.