Teaching moment

By poolboy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was working as a swim instructor for kids. Teaching them not to be afraid of the water, I put my face in the water and blew bubbles. I asked them to try it. All of them did, except for one. I went right to him and blew bubbles again. He then said to me, "But I just peed in that water." FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 468
You deserved it 9 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2 How does he deserve it? Oh I gotcha, OP teaches kids to swim so he deserves a face full of child piss....... But man that does suck. At least you were blowing bubbles and none of the water went in your mouth. Still pretty gross


im4evaonyomind 0

ha ha ha #21. What's the big deal, it's jus a lil piss? If you've ever changed a lil boys diaper, chances are u got a lil piss on you.

kuhhrissayyxo 0

at least he didn't puke in the water; chlorine gets piss out in seconds.

SirHumpsAlot 0

Omfg this just made my day

lol that sounds like something i wouldv done when i was 8!!! MUST give that kid a medal for keeping quiet while everyone blew bubbles in the pool !!!

clairdnj 0

meh, its not like you swallowed a mouthfull, you just blew out, right?

stewpididiot 11

8 ounces of pee in what, 200,000 gallons of chlorinated water ? get over it . even if everybody peed in the pool that day it would still be safe. it's not like you want to be drinking pool water anyway. I'd be more grossed out by the thought of many, many other things. use your imagination here!!

dark_666rose 0

this is the reason I stopped swimming in public pools ...... ew O.O

Peeing in the pool is like sticking your boggers on tables and chairs at school or work while no one sees you doing it. Will it hurt anybody? No. Is it bad manered and disgusting? Yes.