By random person - 09/07/2013 17:51 - United States

Today, I finally got my laptop back after my friend broke it a few weeks ago. As I walked back into our place with my laptop in my bag, the same friend burst out and tackled me. My bag fell and slammed into the floor. Guess who has to pay for another repair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 234
You deserved it 4 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

Them, whether with money or an extreme ass whoopin'


If OP had any sense, the friend would pay

If OP had any sense he would be friends with people that have a mental age over 7 years old.

Damian95 16

You gotta admit his friend sounds pretty fun though.

Damian95 16

Regarding my above statement... Except for the money part, id make his ass pay.

yeah probably OPs "FRIEND" is hiding something in that laptop that he doesn't want OP to find out

Took the words right out of my mouth...

...who should also have paid it the first time as well?

MinnieBitch 5

I'm only 2 years 11 months and 18 days late but OP means Original Poster.

expertsmilee 26

Them, whether with money or an extreme ass whoopin'

I guess your friend has to pay for another repair?

KiddoKS 19

At this point, I think the friend should spring for a new one. It sounds like op had to pay the first time, plus I wouldn't trust its reliability anymore.

ThumbMeHarder 5

Friend won't pay for the repairs? Sorry, OP.

An aside -- your puppy is so ******* cute, I want to squeal.

Your friend should have to pay for the repair.

Wowxoxo 17

Yup, that's why there's a justice system.

Wow, he was that excited about your laptop being fixed? He must be a very caring friend.

Aww you know it's love, when you're tackled for no reason

I don't know how your friend broke it before, but they probably didn't know it was in the backpack. Still it would be nice if they offered to pay for at least part of the damage

You don't tackle people. You just don't.

why would you make an excuse for the jerk? who cares if he didn't know the laptop was in there? its very stupid, childish, and irresponsible to tackle someone who is carrying anything. judging by your comment I imagine you can relate to that kind of behavior.

He could've been more careful about it, but If the friend did it I'm assuming OP plays along in different circumstances. I do similar shit, but usually when they aren't carrying or near things that can break.

#62: I don't care what someone thinks is funny. I have been pushed into too many pools and had my phone destroyed to take "tackling" jokes and seeing them as funny.