Thanks, "Bro"

By probably on death row soon - 25/12/2015 18:32 - United States - Winter Park

Today, my brother "pranked" me by dropping my new laptop out my bedroom window. He'd set up a saran wrap safety net below to catch my laptop safely, but he didn't secure it well enough. My laptop is completely fucked and he won't accept responsibility because he didn't mean to break it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 200
You deserved it 1 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assuming you still live with your parents, just tell your mom or dad and let them deal with him. If they won't do anything then just make his life a living hell.


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God dammit! I meant to down vote & it won't let me change!

Don't worry, #14. I down voted it for you. (:

"Hey I know I just murdered your kid but I'm sorry, so....."

the **** does Jesus have to do with anything? what needs to happen is the brother needs an ass beating and then needs to go buy another computer. when you're an idiot, you gotta deal with the consequences.

Brother never said he was sorry, just that he wasn't responsible.

RedPillSucks 31

don't use stupid people as a reason. to not be religious, or whatever. Jesus never said don't accept responsibility for your actions.

Wow I received a lot of dislikes... A lot. Here's my opinion as a Christian..... His intent was not to destroy the laptop. He did and he should pay for it. This is extremely obvious and I did not think this was worth stating. That said.... What was so wrong with my comment? The brother wasn't malicious nor did he mean to destroy an expensive laptop. Why not forgive him if he's sorry for what he did? Jesus preached love... Not justice but love. This is an unfair situation for OP, but life's not fair. So forgive. Have love in your heart. Otherwise you will be angry and will not live a happy life.

Until he replaces or fixes the laptop, OP doesn't need to forgive him.

That is so stupid. Did you read her post? He won't accept responsibility; therefore he's obviously not sorry.

Forgive him yes but still have the brother pay for a new laptop. Forgiveness does not mean getting away with murder, otherwise his brother will continue act stupidly. Maybe next time someone could end up hurt by him not thinking about the consequences.

Omg.. Your explanation doesn't cover it! So what he didn't mean to destroy it? If he is not willing to face and pay for his mistakes why forgive the mother ******? He broke something even if he didn't mean to, he should pay for every penny. Christians.. Got a lil tired of you guys. "Jesus forgives, God still loves you" ... Can't you do anything on your own?

tantanpanda 26

Uh, most laptops are WAY more expensive than any console you could get.

Prank him back by throwing him out of his bedroom window with a Saran Wrap safety net below, and then refuse to apologize because hey, you obviously didn't mean to hurt him.

Push him out the window but make sure you use the saran wrap safety net

I hope your parents had insurance on your laptop OP. but I'm sorry that happened to you, that's a horrible prank to try to play on somebody. I hope it all works out in the end

thatguy240 27

I'm sure if you explain the whole thing to your parents then they'll make him do something about it. If you don't live with your parents and you both live together then that flat out sucks.

He broke your laptop, you break a bone xD

They bring a knife to a fight, you bring a gun.

Schmavid64 13

If you're the older sibling then I'd be refusing to drive him anywhere, or pick him up from anywhere. Also you'd be surprised at how acting in a completely embarrassing way in front of his friends will do wonders for making him suddenly feel responsible.