Thanks for the mental imagery

By Grossed Out - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my dad asked me if I could convince my mother to get a Brazillian wax. If that's not bad enough, my mother heard and yelled from the other room, "I like my furball." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 813
You deserved it 2 923


rohosoccer08 1

gross! I don't even want to think about a parent like that! at least not one old enough to have a kid that knows what a brazilian is

beccaishereyay 11

hahahahahahaha FHL "lol i feel sorry for your dad

one Horney ass dad. hey I guess it could be a lot worse

SirWhatsHisFace 0

lol, Nick Swardson reference ftw!

Blue_Coconuts 7

Haha, great special, laughed my ass off... Also fur is not great... Maybe a little on the top, but trimmed.. otherwise no go.

Menick47 0

Wolf pussy? More like Mammoth pussy!

Felendris 0

rofl, "furball" that's bawse xD

poor dad must be coughing up hairballs

that's yuckers./: one time me and my mom were in our bathing suites and she looked down and said "opp my little hairs are showing!" ...I feel your painnn.

SeasonedSausage 0

why can't dad pull out the lawn mower and do it himself.

that reminds me of my gf snickerdoodles downstairs

Felendris 0

@90, I think we've driven snicker away... (we=FML users -_-) sorrah Sneeckardewdlez

honestlove11 0

90.. you're disgusting :/ jussayin.

Must I defend Snicker's honor in her absence? Grab the dueling pistols. Here's your flintlock, and I'll just use my Glock.

Peacemaker9 7

#74 that just made me gag rite now...... crap where's the trash can...... lol jking but ur story. did sound gross a bit...... no offense.....

Brittaneyyy 0
Brittaneyyy 0
Trilogy 1

Haha #1 Nick Swardson FTW!!

OH MY GOD! WIN. LOL, furball! Your mom's funny...

jj2014 0

Agreed. OP, how old are you? If you are over 20, no big deal. Your parents see you as an adult.

3DLoli 0

LOL 65. I was gonna say that. xD;

dance_till_dawn 0

I don't care how old she is. I'm 32, my dad's 48, and my mom's 50. I still do not want to know about her furball! Or anyone's for that matter! Ummmmm....eeeewwww!!!!

koco4 0

@82: your mom's a cougar lol

No, his/her parents were stupid and had a kid at 16 and 18.

It'd be a LITTLE less awkward if OP was a girl...

Cjmw 7

He did. He was trying to get the OP to convince her to get one.

wait....the comment I posted this on got removed......nevermind!!!!!

kkballenger09 0
topbanana 0

woah!! trippy picture #12!! 8)