Thanks for the mental imagery
By Grossed Out - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

By Grossed Out - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia
wolf pussy :-)
The OP is now scared for life...
one Horney ass dad. hey I guess it could be a lot worse
epic mom!
poor dad must be coughing up hairballs
that's yuckers./: one time me and my mom were in our bathing suites and she looked down and said "opp my little hairs are showing!" ...I feel your painnn.
that reminds me of my gf snickerdoodles downstairs
eww lmao to number 1
Must I defend Snicker's honor in her absence? Grab the dueling pistols. Here's your flintlock, and I'll just use my Glock.
@45 Hella cute :P
OH MY GOD! WIN. LOL, furball! Your mom's funny...
Agreed. OP, how old are you? If you are over 20, no big deal. Your parents see you as an adult.
no #2. op's mom is FURRY.
No, his/her parents were stupid and had a kid at 16 and 18.
#45, do I know u?
It'd be a LITTLE less awkward if OP was a girl...
Why didn't he ask her instead?
LMFAO furball
I believe u mean "crotch" just sayin
wait....the comment I posted this on got removed......nevermind!!!!!
thts discusting!! :O
Learn to spell, dumbass. It's "disgusting."
wolf pussy :-)
OH MY GOD! WIN. LOL, furball! Your mom's funny...