Thanks, I guess…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend and best friend decided to "help" by assembling my new front porch while I was away. Ecstatic, they displayed their handiwork. It's charming how the porch is precariously balanced, it leans in such a way that it appears it will fall over if you walk through the front door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 758
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

10nachoman10 24

How unfortunate, although they were trying to help, perhaps a professional was need!

Hey at least you have some good friends that actually tried to do something nice for you.


baristagirl2003 7

Oh! Well! Be grateful that they wanted to help. Grin and say thanks.

SavannahSunshine 26

At least your friends are nice enough to surprise you with a finished porch when you got back! Hey, and maybe they'll even help you fix it and you can laugh about it together

grashopper8 7

I love how you crafted this. So funny :)

This reminds me of a commercial we had here (Vrienden van Amstel). It starts with two guys completely ripping apart the bathroom, I mean absolutely nothing is left. They sit down in the kitchen, taking a break, drinking a beer. This third guy comes in, carrying a new kitchen counter, saying "Oh, you guys haven't started yet?"... Hilarious!

Well at least you know they worked on the porch and not, ya know, each other...

It is the thought that counts, be happy that you have not one, but two people who love you enough to surprise you like that. :)

Wadlaen 23

Then I'd advise you to use the back door from now on...